A relationship with Jesus Christ is a life-long journey full of next steps. It could be something like joining a study, attending an event, becoming part of our online directory, or getting baptized. We want to help you take your next step today. Here, you’ll find everything happening at Oxford during our spring semester!
Get involved with a study this spring!
Join us in one of our prayer meetings as we pray for our church and community. Can’t attend? Using the buttons below, you can securely submit your prayer request or find ways to pray for others.
We invite you to join us on Thursday mornings for a time for prayer for our church, community and each other.
Along with our morning prayer meeting, we’re starting a second time in the evening. Come pray with us!
Every week we offer programs for our youth designed to foster meaningful relationships, grow biblical knowledge, and apply God's Word to their life.
Some steps you can take right now! Why not take a moment to take your next step? If you don’t see what you're looking for, contact us!
Grab your bandana and dust off your boots! We are headed west to Wonder Junction, where kids will discover the wonder of who Jesus is. Learn more about what we’ve got planned this summer, and register your kids today.
Learn about upcoming services and how you can get involved! Find out more so that you can come ready to Worship!