What changes are we making?

Here are some highlights of the major changes:

  • Number of Directors

    ONCA requires that the number of directors on the board be stated in the Articles of Incorporation instead of in the by-law, so that change is being made.  It will no longer be included in the by-law.  We are setting a new range of directors at 3-11 instead of 8-16.  This allows for a smaller Board temporarily if needed, yet still allows for a range so that the number can fluctuate.  We’ll aim for a number in the middle.

  • Make-up Of The Board

    Rather than having two separate boards (elders board and deacons board), which combine to make a third board (the official board of directors), we will have a single board of directors made up of the elders.  The directors will continue to be elected by the members as before.  We’ll still have deacons (ministry leaders) in our church leadership structure, but they don’t need to be included in the by-law.

  • Church Ministries

    Church ministries will function much the same as they always have, with each ministry area having a leader and team members reporting to that leader.  However, church board meetings will consist of only the elders. This satisfies the corporate requirements while also being in line with our church being an elder-led church.

  • Updated Provisions For Directors And Officers

    There are clearer protections for directors and officers. The office of the secretary is clarified.

  • Updated Provisions For Members

    Members’ rights are clarified and simplified.

  • Minor Changes

    There are several minor changes as well, which can be found throughout the by-law.  In general, the changes brought by ONCA are meant to improve transparency and accountability, enhance members’ rights, and increase protections for directors and officers of not-for-profit corporations.

  • Articles of Amendment

    In addition to the by-law, the Government of Ontario requires that we apply for Articles of Amendment to update the number of directors.  We may also choose to apply for Restated Articles of Incorporation to consolidate the original articles and all amendments into one document.